
Listed on this page are our current members of committee!! If you’d like to take a role on committee, we hold elections for these positions twice a year (at our AGM and OGM). You do need to be a current Monash student to be eligible for any of the below positions – however, if you’re not but you’re still interested in helping out, we’d love to hear from you!! Please contact us at if you’d like to get involved.


The exec is the centre structure of committee! They keep the lights on and make sure MonUCS keeps up all its basic operations. The President is the face of the choir and runs our committee meetings. The Vice President is there to assist the President, run things when they’re not available, and also takes on a portfolio position. The Treasurer handles our finances and makes sure we’re budgeting well for all the fun events we want to run! The Secretary attends to the organisational aspect of MonUCS, including sending out our regular emails and handling club memberships.

Jesse Fraser
(Past Presidents)

Kit Wilson
Vice President / IT Officer
(Past Vice-Presidents) /

A person smilling towards the camera, wearing a grey hoodie that says "REGISTER TO VOTE" with their hands in its pockets, standing in front of a grassy backgroundAn image of our current secretary, Jessica Bowen. Jess is smiling with her head propped up by her hands, and is sitting on a blue cushioned booth in front of a fancy-looking plate of sweet food. A drinking glass and blue glass bottle are also visible to the right of the image.
Zviko Zingoni
(Past Treasurers)
Jessica Bowen
(Past Secretaries)

General Representatives

The gen reps are members of the choir who’ve decided to step up and take part in running it! They each take on one of our “portfolio roles”, which include Concert Manager, Resources Officer, Fundraising Manager, Publicity Officer, Social Media Officer, Events Manager, Assistant Treasurer, Assistant Secretary and IT Manager.

Sebastian Herlihy
Events Officer

Fresher Representatives

In MonUCS, “freshers” are people who are in their first year of participating in the choir. As such, we aim to have a couple of fresher representatives on committee! They can provide useful perspective as newer voices. They don’t take on portfolio roles, but do help out with the general operations of committee. We elect our fresher reps at our OGM in the first semester of term, and they stay in the role until the next OGM.

Bess HillMegan Shaw

Appointed Members

Sometimes people are just really keen to lend us a helping hand! As a committee, we can appoint such enthusiastic volunteers with portfolio roles to manage. These people usually attend committee meetings (particularly ones with relevance to their roles), but don’t get a vote like full committee members do. Nevertheless we thoroughly appreciate their invaluable support, and if you’d like to help out please get in touch and let us know.

A smiling person wearing glasses with their hair tied back looking forwards into the camera in front of a shadowy leafy backgroud
A person with short orange hair combed over to one side and a black-framed pair of glasses smiles into the camera in front of a sunny background
Eloise Leemann
Fundraising Officer
Alex Leemann
Resources Officer